The Lego Movie is an American computer animated adventure comedy movie where almost everything and everyone is made from Lego. The premise of The Lego Movie is that Emmet Brickowski is an every man who does what he is told by everyone, is always happy and works as a construction man, but is mistaken for a ‘Special’. Emmet having fallen down a hole in search for Wyldstyle finds a piece of the resistance and is mistaken for a special and a master builder. Throughout the movie however we see a whole awesome adventure with Emmet as he attempts to defeat Lord Business with the help of God, Wyldstyle, Batman, Superman, Catwoman, Green Lantern and Princess UniKitty to name a few. To summarize everything is this movie is awesome.
The Lego Movie Pictures & Wallpapers
Here are some great The Lego Movie pictures and The Lego Movie desktop wallpapers. You can download any of these images to your computer by right-clicking on the picture you want and choosing "save image as". Once you've downloaded one of these The Lego Movie images you can use it as your wallpaper etc.