Frozen is a 2013 Disney animated musical fantasy comedy musical film. The film was inspired by Hans Christian Andersens fairy tale The Snow Queen. The Frozen film follows a fearless princess who sets off a epic adventure, Disney style of course. Through the adventure she is accompanied by a rugged iceman, his reindeer and a hapless snowman. The purpose of their adventure is to find her estranged sister whose icy powers have inadvertently turned the Kingdom into eternal winter.
The girl in search of her estranged sister is Anna and she is looking for her sister Elsa. Of course in true Disney style there are a number of adventures along the way. Finally Anna and Elsa are reunited once again but Elsa, the eldest sister gets agitated and strikes her icy powers towards Anna’s heart. Feeling bad Elsa using her powers sends her sister Anna and her crew back home but soon notices Anna’s hair is turning white. At this point Elsa knows something is wrong and it is explained to her that she has Frozen her sisters heart and only an act of true love will save her from the spell.
Ultimately we find out that pretty much everyone involved is against Anna and only wants power but towards the end of this film Elsa realises this and starts to have strong feelings of love for her younger sister. With Anna Frozen and under the spell Elsa begins to grief, but as she does Anna begins to thaw. The reason for this is because Elsa is displaying a true act of love and now Anna is saved and the sisters rekindle their love for one another once again. Now that Elsa realises that love is the key to controlling her powers she thaws out the Kingdom and even helps Olaf, the snowman survive in the sun.
Frozen Pictures & Wallpapers
Here are some great Frozen pictures and Frozen desktop wallpapers. You can download any of these images to your computer by right-clicking on the picture you want and choosing "save image as". Once you've downloaded one of these Frozen images you can use it as your wallpaper etc.