Scrubs is a well known and infamous long running medical comedy TV series that revolved around the personal and social lives of interns and medical professionals at the Sacred Heart Hospital as well as their professional careers. The series revolves around the main character J.D who is played by Zach Braff and his on screen friends and colleagues including Elliot Reid, Turk, Perry Cox, Bob Kelso, Carlo and the Janitor. This well known TV series is narrated by the main character J.D and always features a backwards chest X-Ray at the end of the opening credits.
Scrubs Pictures & Wallpapers
Here are some great Scrubs pictures and Scrubs desktop wallpapers. You can download any of these images to your computer by right-clicking on the picture you want and choosing "save image as". Once you've downloaded one of these Scrubs images you can use it as your wallpaper etc.