“Point Break” is an American action-packed thriller that stars Luke Bracey as Johnny Utah as a novel FBI agent. This movie will keep fans back in their seats as they witness Utah uncover some pretty complicated white collar crimes as an undercover athlete of an extreme sports team. Being an elite, spy, and an athlete is going to prove quite tough for rookie agent Utah. The film stars Bodhi as the leading athlete who is played by Edgar Ramirez. Quite an interesting take on high level international crimes, “Point Break” is a must watch for the investigative and adrenaline seeking types. The sports team has been plotting series of illegal acts to put the world financial market in a dangerous situation. The potential hero’s life itself is in grave danger, but Utah is the government’s solution, but will it be enough to save the world from a massive disaster? Surfers and extreme sports lovers can especially gear up for this one.
Point Break Pictures & Wallpapers
Here are some great Point Break pictures and Point Break desktop wallpapers. You can download any of these images to your computer by right-clicking on the picture you want and choosing "save image as". Once you've downloaded one of these Point Break images you can use it as your wallpaper etc.