In this TV advertisement we see NatWest, one of our local high street banks conveying an important message to us. In the advert they are aiming to tell us that we need to say ‘So Long’, ‘Farewell’, ‘Auf Weidersehen’ and ‘Goodbye’ to unfair banking. This is conveyed throughout the television advert by a series of goodbyes to all types of things. The first thing we see them saying goodbye to is a big group pf children who have just left a birthday party. This is then followed by an elderly couple saying goodbye to their nosy neighbors. After this we have a teenager storming out of his house into his car, only to be proceeded by a young woman saying a quick goodbye to a window salesman. Finally then we have a happy couple, soaking wet boarding a plane as they say goodbye to the awful weather. This then leads into a customer binning his other bank offers and opting for NatWest as they give all their best offers to new customers and say loyal to their existing customers.
NatWest – Goodbye Unfair Banking Pictures & Wallpapers
Here are some great NatWest – Goodbye Unfair Banking pictures and NatWest – Goodbye Unfair Banking desktop wallpapers. You can download any of these images to your computer by right-clicking on the picture you want and choosing "save image as". Once you've downloaded one of these NatWest – Goodbye Unfair Banking images you can use it as your wallpaper etc.