The Harry Potter films are a series of 8 films based on the Harry Potter novels by J.K. Rowling and revolve around the life of a young wizard Harry Potter and his two friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger who are played by Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. Essentially Harry Potter at first thinks he is a normal person a muggle, this is someone who is not a wizard and ends up finding out that his parents were killed by his nemesis and arch enemy Lord Voldemort. This all cumulates in various fights and battle scenes all over the eight amazing films.
Harry Potter Pictures & Wallpapers
Here are some great Harry Potter pictures and Harry Potter desktop wallpapers. You can download any of these images to your computer by right-clicking on the picture you want and choosing "save image as". Once you've downloaded one of these Harry Potter images you can use it as your wallpaper etc.