Hannah Montana: The Movie is an American musical comedy drama which follows on and is based on the Walt Disney original series Hannah Montana. The movie was released in 2009 and the overall premise to the movie is that Hannah Montana’s popularity gets out of control and begins to take over Miley Stewart’s life played by Miley Cyrus. Her on screen and real father decides to take Miley on a trip to her hometown of Crowley Corners in Tennessee in order for her to get some perspective on life and to see whether she can cope with the ever growing fame and attention that Hannah Montana gets and the constant secret she has to keep. The movie is described as a climb for Miley as she decides whether or not she can still have the best of both worlds.
Hannah Montana: The Movie Pictures & Wallpapers
Here are some great Hannah Montana: The Movie pictures and Hannah Montana: The Movie desktop wallpapers. You can download any of these images to your computer by right-clicking on the picture you want and choosing "save image as". Once you've downloaded one of these Hannah Montana: The Movie images you can use it as your wallpaper etc.