Beverly Hills Cop is a classic 1984 cop thriller/comedy, starring Eddie Murphy (in his first major film role) as Axel Foley, a smartass Detective from Detroit who winds up in sunny California investigating a murder. The film features a strong supporting cast including Ronny Cox as the Beverly hills Police Lieutenant and Steven Berkoff as Victor Maitland, the principal bad guy.
The film opens with a flair, as Axel is running an unauthorized sting operation, trying to sell a truckload of cigarettes to a prospective buyer. Sadly, two uniformed police interrupt the deal (since Axel didn’t tell anyone). The resulting chase causes a lot of damage around the city, prompting Axel to get chewed out by his boss, Inspector Todd (played by real-life Detroit cop Gill Hill). Foley returns to his apartment to find it broken in to by his old friend Mikey. However, after a brief reunion and a night at the bar, Foley is knocked unconscious and Mikey is killed, because he’s stolen a load og German bearer bonds from his boss, Maitland.
Despite being ordered not to get involved with the investigation, Foley takes some vacation time and rives out to Beverly Hills to investigate, he meets up with Jenny Summers, a mutual friend of Foley and Mikey, who had helped Mikey get him his job as a security guard with Victor Maitland. Foley tries to talk to Maitland, bluffing his way into the office pretending to be delivering flowers, only to get thrown out the window and then arrested for “disturbing the peace.” While being questioned at the police station, Foley meets Lt. Bogomil as well as Sgt. Taggart and Detective Rosewood, who are ordered to follow Foley and keep an eye on him. Naturally he loses them and goes off to continue his investigation.
Eventualy, Axel discovers that Maitland is shipping large amounts of cocaine and illegal bearer bonds into the Us in crates marked for his art gallery. Maitland realizes they’re on to him and kidnpa sJenny as a hostage. Foley, Taggart and Rosewood begin their assault on Maitlands house, with Bogomil bringing up the cavalry in support. Maitland is killed and the day is saved, with Bogomil spinning an absurd tale tot he Police Chief to explain things, which he surprisingly accepts.
The films was a major hit, being the top grossing film in North America of 1984, losing out on the worldwide number one spot to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. It shot Eddie Murphy to international stardom
Beverly Hills Cop Pictures & Wallpapers
Here are some great Beverly Hills Cop pictures and Beverly Hills Cop desktop wallpapers. You can download any of these images to your computer by right-clicking on the picture you want and choosing "save image as". Once you've downloaded one of these Beverly Hills Cop images you can use it as your wallpaper etc.